Frequently Asked Questions
What are the things to do before coming to the appointment?
• You must be off Retin-A or Retinols 7 days prior to appointment and avoid or or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.
• If you are on blood thinners we require a note from your Doctor allowing you to go off of them for 3 days prior to your procedure and the note must also have the Doctors approval for the procedure (Please make sure you stop taking these 3 full days prior to your appointment)
• Any break out of cold sores you MUST wait 2 weeks before ANY procedure once they have cleared
• Please do not take aspirin, green tea, vitamin E, or any Herbs for 3 days prior to your procedure. If your Doctor has you on aspirin every day we will need your Doctor’s approval in written form for you to stop taking the aspirin
• If you are prone to cold sores, please get a prescription of Valtrex (1000mg for 14 days) and begin taking it 7 days prior to your procedure and 7 days after your procedure (for any type of permanent cosmetics, not just the lips)
• If you are under treatment for any form of cancer, you must wait until your treatment is complete. It is recommended to get permanent makeup before you start any cancer treatment
• No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your procedure. No caffeine or Salty Foods for 24 hours to your procedure.
Please be advised that women that are on or near their menstrual cycle have a tendency to bleed a bit more during the procedure than women that are not. In addition- numbing agents also seem to not take as well to women who are menstruating. If you wish to avoid this please let me know.
What kind of pigment is used in cosmetic tattooing?
Unlike body tattoos, which are made using carbon based ink, cosmetic tattoos are made using iron oxide based pigments. These pigments are safe to use and are created to slowly fade over time. The pigments I use do not contain organic material (i.e. vegetables) as these have a higher risk of causing allergic reactions.
What is contraindication?
A contraindication is a condition or factor that either renders a medical treatment inadvisable under any circumstances or increases the risks involved in carrying out a medical procedure. absolute Contraindication: hemophilia, blood thinners on prescription. Relative Contraindications: diabetic on needle (increased risk of infection & slow to heal), allergies, blood thinners like Aspirin or Vitamin E. Prescribed medication is an absolute contraindication, in other words, permanent makeup/ microblading should not proceed.
What factors will affect my cosmetic tattoo?
Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. While this is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow prep instructions to help minimize bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinning medications and alcohol before your procedure.
Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hair strokes to blur and heal lighter and more powdery than you would expect.
Smoking: Smokers may notice that their tattoo will fade faster
Anemia and iron deficiency: Your body will absorb these iron based pigments more quickly.
Sun exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading.
Color of pigment: Lighter colors fade more quickly than darker colors.
How long will my cosmetic tattoo last?
Cosmetic tattooing is considered semi-permanent as it does not wash away, however pigments are designed to fade over time. Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster) and sun exposure can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. For best results it is recommended that you follow our aftercare instructions and touch-up your tattoo every 1-2 years (or as needed). Microblading requires a minimum of two sessions. Touch-ups are normal and expected for cosmetic tattoo procedures.
*Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as everyone retains and breaks down pigment differently and follow-up appointments are recommended at 6-8 weeks where we can asses your pigment retention and make any changes necessary. People with lighter hair, correction work or sparse eyebrows may require more than one follow-up to reach their desired look at an additional cost.
Is Microblading right for me?
Microblading heals best on normal to dry skin types. Microblading may not work well on clients with more oily skin types, large pores or over previously tattooed or lasered skin. On those with oily skin types and larger pores, results may appear softer and more powdery.
Client's with thin skin or Rosacea cannot receive Microblading.
The Microblading method is designed to blend with your natural brow hair, the more hair you have the more realistic results will appear. If you have very little or sparse eyebrow hair results will appear more 2D, and it is possible that you may need more than two sessions to achieve your desired result.
Microblading is not meant to entirely replace makeup. Eyebrow pencils and powders may still be needed.
Do I need a touch-up/follow-up appointment?
Yes. An initial session to establish shape, numb, microblading process take place and a perfecting session 6-8 weeks later when is the skin completely healed. During your 6-8 weeks follow-up we can asses your pigment retention and make any adjustments needed. This follow-up also increases the longevity of your semi-permanent tattoo. All appointments, including touch-up appointments, are first come, first served. It is your responsibility to book your follow-up at least 6 weeks in advance.
Why are multiple sessions necessary?
Every face is different.. Each skin type is different. Some skin types accept the pigment better than other types and more pigment may be retained in one session with one person over another. Also, fine details, additional color, depth or design adjustments are more easily made after the initial healing is complete. typically it takes a total of at least 2, possibly 3 applications, 6-8 weeks apart to achieve the desired outcome.
If this is permanent, why are future touch ups necessary?
Because there are always issues that affect the appearance of your procedure. The number 1 culprit is sun exposure! Also, changing health conditions, smoking, medications, anti-aging products, and hormonal changes all can have effect on your pigment retention. You should keep your follow up visit since it helps prolong your investment.
What is your lateness/ cancellation policy?
I have a 15 minutes late policy. Please call the shop if you are going to be late; talk to me. Being more than 15 minutes late to your appointment may result in cancellation of your appointment. The shop requires 48 hours notice to cancel or make any changes to your appointment. Giving less than 48 hours notice for a cancellation will result in late cancellation of your appointment. If you cancel, no show or being more than 15 minutes late, a fee of $50 will be added to reschedule any new appointments.